Sort of bad timing because I'm now packing to leave the home we've lived in since 2003. John decided back in 2008 that he was going to cheat. And it wasn't just one or two times. Eight women over the four years. I found the emails, and confirmed it with each woman, most of whom were married at the time. Two of their husbands had found out, and divorced them. At the same time, my hormones went completely haywire, although my idiot doctor at the time had no clue. I experienced weight gain, horrible night sweats, PMS symptoms, and muscle aches. When the aches finally got to the point where all I wanted to do was take painkillers, I went to a different doc. I was devastated when I found out, which was last September. So you can see why I wasn't too concerned about this blog, or anything else for that matter. i had trouble keeping my wits about me for a long while. Now, I'm within a couple of weeks of moving out and going to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Why Pittsburgh? Because its near where I was raised, I have relatives there, and I wanted something entirely new. I had to, for my own sanity, to have a change that was as new as possible. I've stopped sewing for others now. Instead of sewing, I'm making jewelry and working on doll houses. My plan is to sell the doll houses I make at auction, but we'll see how realistic that is. Other than that, I'm moving there without a job. I have a home, but that's about it. The home is economical and comfortable. I'm taking 2 or 3 cats (out of our eight). The two calicos, Kira and Zuri will accompany me. Possibly Princess too. I really, really want to take my tabby Bandy with me, but having room is questionable.
My cats are my children. Leaving ANY of them in Vermont is very tough on me, something I'm sure John doesn't understand. That's been one of the hardest things. It was tough enough admitting to myself that he had been dishonest probably from the very first day I met him. His niece, whom I've had to block on Facebook because she was lecturing me on "it takes two to tango" (which is a riot in this case - if only she knew), defended him not knowing all the facts of the matter.